that's me in the white helmet |
When I played derby, my name was DecapitateHer and in those days having props was still cool. Now, derby has evolved rather quickly into a ‘no shit’ competitive sport with sponsors, championships, and regional and national tournaments; so props are kind of amateur-ish. By the way, Western Regionals is happening right now in Sacramento. Anyway, this isn’t about derby, I just wanted to say that since my name is DecapitateHer (in white helmet), in the beginning, I had this mannequin head and sickle and I’d skate around as if I just lopped it off. I had it strapped to a derby helmet and everything, it was freakin awesome…anywaaaay.
So I have this thing sitting around but I totally forgot about it because it was hiding under all my hats! It’s perfect to show off my earrings! Nice! I guess cosmetology school and my knack for holding on to things that “I’ll use someday” has paid off. The funny thing is I have the head in a light box so when I open my garage to get the sunlight, people see me taking pictures of a head in a box, nice!
In other news, I made this cake for my friend’s birthday. It’s my second cake “boss” style and it was fun and quicker than the Thomas one. I used waaaaay too much butter cream frosting though. I didn’t realize how thick it went on so it kinda ruined the cake. It was way too sugary to enjoy. Blah! Practice makes perfect.