Finding quality hemp is time consuming but worth it.
Why use hemp? For one …it’s natural! Hemp does not use pesticides. It can grow organically without using harsh chemicals that harm the earth, people, or animals. Besides the cord and twine that I use to make jewelry, hemp can be used to make more durable clothing, paper, oil, building materials, moisturizers and lotion, bags and carriers, the list goes on. Check out my
treasury featuring some creative ways of using hemp.
Since I started knotting hemp into jewelry, I have used the basic natural hemp roll sold at your average Michael’s, A.C. Moore, or Jo-Anne’s. It has served me well but I have grown tired of the scratchy smelly hemp that is harvested who knows where. Now that I am back into it, I want to track down quality hemp that is grown, harvested, and processed in an eco friendly way. I want to know the origins of the hemp I use, for various reasons. For one I want to support those who are trying to create a positive impact to our planet and not support those whose main drive is money and greed. For another, quality hemp that is harvested and processed right will offer the most comfort, which is important to people who choose hemp clothes and jewelry.
Below is the start of a list of the companies I am checking out on my quest to find the best hemp on the planet. After this initial blog, I will be adding update blogs as I try out different vendors and hemp providers. Know of a great place to get hemp? Please let me know in the comments or in a message and I will be sure to give them a try and include them in an upcoming blog.
Let’s start off on a positive foot…
carnation pink results |
NearSea - has quality stuff. I mean top of the line hemp. I have only tried their hemp yarn in licorice and there is hardly a flaw in their product. Their yarn seams to stay pretty consistent throughout which is invaluable when you are trying to make two things the same size. As I recall their hemp came from a reputable place and cleared my eco radar. Unfortunately, my last order from them didn’t leave me pleased. It arrived beautifully and was in great shape when it got here. It even had a beautiful twist. But once I removed the packaging, the ends started getting lost among all the rest until it was knotting and tangling and…well, I ended up salvaging what I could. High quality product, not user friendly. UPDATE! After I sent an email sayng pretty much the same thing I said in this post, Near Sea has given me a complete refund including the shipping costs. wow! Customer loyalty has always rang true with this girl.
NearSea yarn in licorice |
Next company to evaluate is
Hempmania! I have recently ordered 4 small rolls of hemp in different colors. Let's see what they have to offer!